PodGen (Beta)

Input Requirements for PodGen (Beta)

To generate a podcast with PodGen (Beta), you'll need to provide specific inputs that guide the AI in creating the desired output. Here are the key input requirements:

1. Topic Title or Podcast Title

The topic title or podcast title is a brief description or the main theme of the podcast episode. This input guides the content and focus of the generated podcast.

Example: "The Impact of AI on Modern Healthcare"

2. Generation Temperature

The generation temperature controls the creativity and variability of the content. A lower temperature results in more deterministic and focused content, while a higher temperature introduces more creativity and diversity. The temperature can range from low to high, with high being 1.

Example: "Generation Temperature: Medium"

3. Voice Model

Specify the voice model you want to use for the text-to-speech conversion. PodGen (Beta) offers a selection of voice models, each with unique characteristics. Available voice models include:

  • Cassandra

  • Mike

  • Charles

  • Michael

  • Vicky

Example: "Voice Model: Cassandra"

4. Duration

Specify the duration of the generated podcast episode. The duration options are:

  • Short: Suitable for brief discussions or overviews.

  • Medium: Ideal for more detailed explorations of a topic.

  • Long: Best for in-depth discussions and comprehensive coverage.

Example: "Duration: Medium"

5. White-Label Option (Pro Members Only)

For pro members, PodGen (Beta) provides a white-label option. This allows the podcast name/channel name and the user's personal name to be mentioned during the podcast. Pro members can change their name and podcast channel anytime through their profile.

Profile Link: https://reelgen.io/profile

Example Input for PodGen (Beta)

Here’s an example of how you might provide inputs to generate a new podcast episode:

  • Topic Title: "The Future of Remote Work"

  • Generation Temperature: "Medium"

  • Voice Model: "Mike"

  • Duration: "Long"

  • White-Label: Enabled (Pro Member)

By providing these inputs, PodGen (Beta) can create a custom podcast episode that closely aligns with your vision and requirements.

Last updated